Option Types
Retrieve a list of option types by making this request:
GET /api/v1/option_types
- ids:
A comma-separated list of option type ids. Specifying this parameter will display the respective option types.
{"id": 1,"name": "tshirt-size","presentation": "Size","position": 1,"option_values": [{"id": 1,"name": "Small","presentation": "S","option_type_name": "tshirt-size","option_type_id": 1,"option_type_presentation": "S"}]}
To search for a specific option type, make a request like this:
GET /api/v1/option_types?q[name_cont]=color
The searching API is provided through the Ransack gem which Boxid depends on. The name_cont
here is called a predicate, and you can learn more about them by reading about Predicates on the Ransack wiki.
[{"id": 1,"name": "tshirt-size","presentation": "Size","position": 1,"option_values": [{"id": 1,"name": "Small","presentation": "S","option_type_name": "tshirt-size","option_type_id": 1,"option_type_presentation": "S"}]}]
Sorting results
Results can be returned in a specific order by specifying which field to sort by when making a request.
GET /api/v1/option_types?q[s]=name%20asc
Retrieve details about a particular option type:
GET /api/v1/option_types/1
{"id": 1,"name": "tshirt-size","presentation": "Size","position": 1,"option_values": [{"id": 1,"name": "Small","presentation": "S","option_type_name": "tshirt-size","option_type_id": 1,"option_type_presentation": "S"}]}
You can learn about the potential attributes (required and non-required) for a option type by making this request:
GET /api/v1/option_types/new
"attributes": [
"id", "name", "presentation", "position"
"required_attributes": [
"name", "presentation"
To create a new option type through the API, make this request with the necessary parameters:
POST /api/v1/option_types
For instance, a request to create a new option type called “tshirt-category” with a presentation value of “Category” would look like this:
POST api/v1/option_types/?option_type[name]=tshirt-category&option_type[presentation]=Category
Successful Response
Failed Response
"error": "Invalid resource. Please fix errors and try again.",
"errors": {
"name": ["can't be blank"],
"presentation": ["can't be blank"]
To update a option type’s details, make this request with the necessary parameters:
PUT /api/v1/option_types/1
For instance, to update a option types’s name, send it through like this:
PUT /api/v1/option_types/3?option_type[name]=t-category
Successful Response
Failed Response
"error": "Invalid resource. Please fix errors and try again.",
"errors": {
"name": ["can't be blank"],
"presentation": ["can't be blank"]
To delete a option type, make this request:
DELETE /api/v1/option_types/1
This request removes a option type from database.